√ Firmware Prince Pc-2 Plus & Pro | Mediatek Mt6580

Flash Prince PC2 Plus using SP-FlashTool or Other MTK Tools.
Kaprikornus saran saya lakukan backup sebelum flash, lakukan indentify untuk melihat Build nya sama atau tidak dll.
Cara Flash Prince PC2 Plus & Pro
Untuk memperbaiki kerusakan pada Software salahsatu nya dapat dengan mem-flash nya, cara flash Price PC 2 menggunakan SP-FlashTool atau MTK Tool Lainnya, adapun beberapa materi yang harua dipersiapkan sebelum flash diantaranya
- PC / Laptop
- USB Driver
- SP_Flastool
Firmware Price PC-2 Plus
type: ROM size: 439MB
md5: 8e29ce8f394ee70608d82625388c63fc
AndroisFileHost Google Drive
platform: MT6580, cpu abi: armeabi-v7a
manufacturer: PC-2
board: PC-2, name: PC-2
brand: Prince, model: PC-2
build id: LMY47I, version: 5.1 Lollipop (C5P_80L_WEG_3GW_B15_EMMC_32_4_DDR2_FWVGA_TT_T51_A1_Prince 20170821-103212)
build description: full_yuanda6580_weg_l-user 5.1 LMY47I 1503282684 test-keys
Firmware Prince PC-2 Pro
Type: Stock ROM size: 439MB
Google Drive AndroidFileHost
Install ROM:
Open FlashTools Folder, and Click on Flash_tool.exe
Select "scatter-Loading"and search MT6580_Android_scatter.txt in ROM Folder
Select "Download Only"or if out notifications PMT changed for the ROM Please select upgrade "Firmware upgrade"
Turn off your phone, remove the battery (if the battery is removable)
Press “Download”button to start
Connect your phone into the computer via USB data cable.
The process will start and a red progress kafe will appear after color purple, yellow.
Until there green circles display
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